Friday, January 18, 2013

Post Op Day 1 Friday morning

got to the hospital a few minutes ago. Earlier around 9:00 they brought him breakfast but he was nauseated and didn't want to eat. Less pain today so far. They ordered an MRI for sometime today, and started him on anti-seizure meds as a precaution. It is common for PO brain surgery patients to experience seizures, but he hasn't had any and they wanted to avoid them.

When we set up our row of laptops in the NCCU (neuroscience critical care unit) waiting area, all of a sudden we saw him walking by! Two nurses are escorting him down the hall for a walk. Looks good. I took pictures on my camera, which of course I don't have the cords for, so I'll have to post when I get home. YAY!!

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