Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday, February 10

Wow look at that...all that time flew by since I last posted.

Matt had his staples out, Mom and Dad came home, and all we have done here is work and sometimes sleep. haha Well, ok... more than Matt and Starr get. He still has lots of fluid intake and output, so this puts a damper on the REM cycle. They are headed to SLC on the 20th-ish to get the one month f/u appts with ophthalmology, endocrinology, and neurology. Not everything is functioning up to snuff, but we're hoping it's mostly meds and sluggish reconnection that's causing it. He is getting around a bit more, but still gets tired. Patience wears thin more easily, and I'm sure this is wearing on Starr. I know it would for me, but I'm WAY more selfish than that girl!

Madison blew out another tire in Kentucky today. It being a Sunday, and her car stuck in front of a porn store (the embarrassment gods are VERY giving, for this is the 2nd time her tire blew in front of it. She should take a different route to work), she won't get that fixed til tomorrow.  Apparently Kentucky and Utah have the same work rules...closed on Sunday. OK I'm mostly kidding. It's more Utah, obviously.

Josh has been sick this week, and finally allowed me to stuff him full of doTERRA. He didn't mind it, and has learned to be quite the chemist with his own bombs :)
         Today we also decided to shave Chloe. As many of you know, we lost Charlie in December. She was our only shave-able dog (shih Tzu) and Rod always groomed her. I wasn't allowed in the house during that hour because she just wanted to come to me, and she got in trouble. Now, we realize that Chloe is a yellow lab....and they don't need to be shaved because they shed. Well let me tell you, she sheds enough for THREE dogs put together. Holy crap am I sick of seeing furballs the day after vacuuming! So we thought it would be interesting to see what she looks like shaved. 
Here is during:
Clearly she is not pleased. But she did rather well, considering she is about 6 years old and has never had a power razor next to her. I haven't been able to get a good "after" pic because Rod put her Steelers jersey on her and now she walks sideways. I don't quite understand that, but nonetheless I can't catch her to pose nicely.
           The boys are at a movie; they went to one last night too. I stayed home and watched Pitch Perfect THREE times since yesterday! Yes, yes I did. I can't help it--it's dancing, singing, and BEING ON STAGE! How can you go wrong? Ok, if you ask two members of the Jackson family they might disagree (flaming scalps and wardrobe malfunctions, anyone?).
           It has been gloomy and boooring as far as weather is concerned. I LOVE 85-degrees and up. Can't stand this pissy-cold ornery weather that we've got. And for those of you in the "anything under 40 degrees all the time, suck it up princess" weather? Suck it. You choose to live there, so don't rain on my bitch parade.              *whimper* I need sunshine, damnit.
         I am in two different fitness challenges, and I'm doing pretty well, considering I've only been to the gym 4-5 times in the past 2 wks and that is SINCE SEPTEMBER. I lost 8 lbs when Matt was in the hospital so I should probably thank him, eh?  So far since November I have lost 2 pant sizes, so that's pretty awesome. Most of it is simply the foods I cannot eat....sugar, white flour, yeast breads, potatoes, and dairy. Mostly for health reasons, but some just because I've learned about what comes to the intestinal party and hangs around way too long, and therefore those things are no longer invited to said party. My disco ball, my rules.
         I used to Zumba at The Warehouse 2-3x/week, but it got so popular that I almost punched a girl in the face so I stopped going (she turned around against the routine, and we dance in the dark...totally her fault). So I decided that since I pay for Gold's every month I should take advantage of the Zumba classes there. hehehe that was fun.  Let me just say this: I know how to dance. I can grind it, pop it, and shake it like anyone there.  HOWEVER.. when I figured out that EVERY move is straight out of that song's music video...? Yeah I about lost it during "Gangnam Style".  ..REALLY?? I can stay home and memorize moves from VH1. Zumba is a Latin American dance style, people. Oh, where is this "Latin", you say? Open your textbooks to chapter 1, ladies. 
...where is that sun?

1 comment:

  1. Bahahaha the sun is in Vegas. Yay on the down two pant sizes. YOU ROCK!
